Data Docs

Variable constructs are grouped thematically below to highlight the multi-dimensional risk environment of opioid use in justice populations. In the Metadata column, linked pages provide more detail about the data source, descriptions of data cleaning or processing, and individual variables included.

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Geographic Boundaries

Variable ConstructVariable ProxySourceMetadataSpatial Scale
Geographic BoundariesState, County, Census Tract, Zip Code Tract Area (ZCTA)US Census, 2018Geographic BoundariesState, County, Tract, Zip
Crosswalk filesCounty, Census Tract, Zip Code Tract Area (ZCTA)HUD’s Office of Policy Development and Research (PD&R)Crosswalk FilesCounty, Tract, Zip

Policy Variables

Variable ConstructVariable ProxySourceMetadataSpatial Scale
Prison Incarceration RatesPrison population rate and prison admission rate by gender and ethnicityVera Institute of Justice, 2016PS01 / Prison VariablesCounty
Jail Incarceration RatesJail population rate by gender and ethnicityVera Institute of Justice, 2017PS02 / Jail VariablesCounty
Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs (PDMP)Any PDMP; Operational PDMP; Must-access PDMP; Electronic PDMPOPTIC, 2017PS03 / PDMPState
Good Samaritan LawsAny Good Samaritan Law; Good Samaritan Law protecting arrestOPTIC, 2017PS04 / GSL_2018State
Naloxone Access LawsAny Naloxone law; law allowing distribution through a standing or protocal order; law allowing pharmacists prescriptive authorityOPTIC, 2017PS05 / NALState
Medicaid ExpenditureTotal Medicaid spendingKFF, 2019PS06 / MedExpState
Medicaid ExpansionSpending for adults who have enrolled through Medicaid expansionKFF, 2018PS07 / MedExpanState
Syringe Services LawsLaws clarifying legal status for syringe exchange, distribution, and possession programsLawAtlas, 2019PS08 / SyringeState
Medical Marijuana LawsLaw authorizing adults to use medical marijuanaPDAPS, 2017PS09 / MedMarijLawState
State & Local Government ExpendituresGovernment spending on public health, welfare, public safety, and correctionsUS Census, 2018PS11 / Government ExpendituresState, Local

Health Variables

Variable ConstructVariable ProxySourceMetadataSpatial Scale
Drug-related death rateDeath rate from drug-related causesCDC WONDER, 2009-2019Health01 / Drug-Related Death RateState, County
Hepatitis C ratesHepC prevalence and mortalityHepVu, 2017Health02 / Hepatitis CState, County
PhysiciansNumber of Primary Care and Specialist PhysiciansDartmouth Atlas, 2010Health03 / PhysiciansTract, County, State
Access to MOUDsGeographic access to MOUDsSAMHSA, 2019; Vivitrol, 2020Access01 / Access: MOUDsCounty, Tract, Zip
Access to Health CentersGeographic access to FQHCsUS Covid Atlas via HRSA, 2020Access02 / Access: FQHCsTract, Zip
Access to HospitalsGeographic access to hospitalsCovidCareMap, 2020Access03 / Access: HospitalsTract, Zip
Access to PharmaciesGeographic access to pharmaciesInfoGroup, 2019Access04 / Access: PharmaciesTract, Zip
Access to Mental Health ProvidersGeographic access to mental health providersSAMHSA, 2020Access05 / Access: Mental Health ProvidersTract, Zip
Access to Substance Use Treatment ProgramsGeographic access substance use treatment (SUT) programsSAMHSA, 2020Access06 / Access: Substance Use Treatment ProgramsTract, Zip
Access to Opioid Treatment ProgramsGeographic access to opioid treatment programs (OTP)SAMHSA, 2021Access07 / Access: Opioid Treatment ProgramsTract, Zip

Demographic Variables

Variable ConstructVariable ProxySourceMetadataSpatial Scale
Race & EthnicityPercentages of population defined by categories of race and ethnicityACS, 2018 5-yearRace & Ethnicity VariablesState, County, Tract, Zip
AgeAge group estimates and percentages of populationACS, 2018 5-yearDS01 / Age VariablesState, County, Tract, Zip
Population with a DisabilityPercentage of population with a disabilityACS, 2018 5-yearDS01 / Other Demographic VariablesState, County, Tract, Zip
Educational AttainmentPopulation without a high school degreeACS, 2018 5-yearDS01 / Other Demographic VariablesState, County, Tract, Zip
Social Determinants of Health (SDOH)SDOH Neighborhood TypologiesKolak et al, 2020DS02 / SDOH TypologyTract
Social Vulnerability Index (SVI)SVI RankingsCDC, 2018DS03 / SVICounty, Tract
Veteran PopulationPopulation as defined by veteran statusACS, 2017 5-yearDS04 / Veteran Population VariablesState, County, Tract, Zip
Household TypeHousehold types and group quarter populationsACS, 2018 5-yearDS05 / Household TypeState, County, Tract, Zip
Homeless PopulationHomelessness as defined by US Homeless CensusHUD, 2018DS06 / Homeless Population VariablesState, County, Tract, Zip

Economic Variables

Variable ConstructVariable ProxySourceMetadataSpatial Scale
Employment TrendsPercentage of population employed in High Risk of Injury Jobs, Educational Services, Health Care, Retail industriesACS, 2018 5-yearEC01 / Jobs by IndustryState, County, Tract, Zip
Essential WorkersPercentage of population employed in Essential Jobs as defined during the COVID-19 pandemic (see COVID-19 Variables, below)ACS, 2018 5-yearEC02 / Jobs by IndustryState, County, Tract, Zip
Unemployment RateUnemployment rateACS, 2014-2018EC03 / Economic VariablesState, County, Tract, Zip
Poverty RatePercent classified as below poverty level, based on incomeACS, 2018 5-yearEC03 / Economic VariablesState, County, Tract, Zip
Per Capita IncomePer capita income in the past 12 monthsACS, 2018 5-yearEC03 / Economic VariablesState, County, Tract, Zip
Foreclosure RateMortgage foreclosure and severe delinquency rateHUD, 2009EC04 / Foreclosure RateState, County, Tract

Built Environment Variables

Variable ConstructVariable ProxySourceMetadataSpatial Scale
Housing Occupancy RatePercent occupied unitsACS, 2018 5-yearBE01 / HousingState, County, Tract, Zip
Housing Vacancy RatePercent vacant unitsACS, 2018 5-yearBE01 / HousingState, County, Tract, Zip
Long Term OccupancyPercentage of population living in current housing for 20+ yearsACS, 2018 5-yearBE01 / HousingState, County, Tract, Zip
Mobile HomesPercent of housing units classified as mobile homesACS, 2018 5-yearBE01 / HousingState, County, Tract, Zip
Rental RatesPercent of housing units occupied by rentersACS, 2018 5-yearBE01 / HousingState, County, Tract, Zip
Housing Unit DensityHousing units per square mileACS, 2018 5-yearBE01 / HousingState, County, Tract, Zip
Urban/Suburban/Rural Classification (County)Classification of areas as rural, urban or suburban using percent rurality (County)USDA-ERS, 2010 & ACS, 2018 5-yearBE02 / Rural-Urban ClassificationsCounty
Urban/Suburban/Rural Classification (Tract, Zip)Classification of areas as rural, urban or suburban using RUCA Codes (Tract, Zip)USDA-ERS, 2010BE02 / Rural-Urban ClassificationsTract, Zip
Alcohol Outlet DensityAlcohol outlets per square mile, alcohol outlets per capitaInfoGroup, 2018BE03 / Alcohol OutletsState, County, Tract, Zip
Hypersegregated CitiesUS metropolitan areas where black residents experience hypersegregationMassey et al, 2015BE04 / Community OverlaysCounty
Southern Black BeltUS counties where 30% of the population identified as Black or African AmericanUS Census, 2010BE04 / Community OverlaysCounty
Native American ReservationsPercent area of total land in Native American ReservationsUS Census, TIGER/Line 2018BE04 / Community OverlaysCounty
Residential Segregation IndicesThree index measures of segregation: dissimilarity, interaction, isolationACS, 2018 5-yearBE05 / Residential SegregationCounty
NDVINormalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) average valueSentinel-2 MSI, 2018BE06 / NDVITract

COVID Variables

Variable ConstructVariable ProxySourceMetadataSpatial Scale
Essential Worker JobsPercentage of population employed in Essential Jobs as defined during the COVID-19 pandemicACS, 2018 5-yearEC02 / Jobs by OccupationState, County, Tract, Zip
Cumulative Case CountDaily cumulative raw case count (01/21/20 - 03/03/2021)The New York Times, 2021COVID01 / COVID VariablesState, County
Adjusted Case Count per 100KDaily cumulative adjusted case count per 100K population (01/21/20 - 03/03/2021)The New York Times, 2021COVID02 / COVID VariablesState, County
7-day Average Case Count7-day average case count (01/21/20 - 03/03/2021)The New York Times, 2021COVID03 / COVID VariablesState, County
Historical 7-day Average Adjusted Case Count per 100K7-day average adjusted case count per 100K population (01/21/20 - 03/03/2021)The New York Times, 2021COVID04 / COVID VariablesState, County

Travel Time Matrices

National travel time matrices calculated for origin-destination (O:D) pairs of Census tract and ZCTA centroids for multiple modes of transit: driving, biking, and walking. Matrices calculated using Open Source Routing Machine (OSRM) in 2020. Download matrices at the links below.

Census Tract

Zip Code Tract Areas (ZCTA)